
In our Community Development work we foster community led public and private partnership projects.

Download our latest guide to What's On in BN2 5 here Whats on in BN2 5 Directory 

Meet your local team in East Brighton

"There is a real sense of community pride and belonging in East, and the capacity for community-led action is exciting. I see our role in supporting local leaders to build strong governance and networks so they can make the most of their assets."

Kirsty Walker, Director of Neighbourhood Projects
[email protected]
07308 165 732

"I enjoy working with individuals and groups who have such creativity and enthusiasm, from an idea to making it a reality. It’s very inspiring to see the difference it makes"

Claire Burchell, Citywide Manager
[email protected]
07089 829 734

"I have supported the people of East Brighton for 15 years and their passion and enthusiasm for the neighbourhood makes it a privilege to work here."

Tony Silsby – Community Development Consultant
[email protected]
07525 444 825

Sara Fernee

"It’s great to hear about the diverse range of projects led by community volunteers. My job is to listen, support and help to connect people with each other to ensure they are empowered to make the changes they want to see."

Sara Fernee, Project Support Worker
[email protected]
07307 683 581

"It's a great honour and privilege to support individuals and groups to achieve positive change in strengthening their communities."

Anita Doherty, Project Support Worker
[email protected]
07307 681 963

Due East newsletter

Due East neighbourhood council regularly puts together a newsletter which is distributed to local residents. You can view recent editions on the Due East website

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