Coffee & Croissant Central update

Our Coffee & Croissant networking sessions continue to be well attended, with four sessions taking place across the city each month. Service providers use the opportunity to meet others working locally and can find ways to collaborate and share best practice.

Dates up until the end of March can be found on our Coffee & Croissant page, all service providers are welcome, just make sure you book first so we know how many people to expect.   

Emma Reeves, our Community Development Worker for Tarner, shares a few words about this month’s event for the Hannover, Elm Grove and Tarner area, known as Central. This gives you an idea of the kind of thing that happens at the sessions. This month was a special session where the networking was followed by a community lunch.   

“Central Coffee and Croissant had a really good session this month at the Brighton Unemployed Family Centre Project (BUCFP). Mireille from the Resource Centre gave us the low down on everything that they do as did Joy from the BUFCP. And even though some of the attendees already worked with these organisations they still learnt so much more about them. The lunch of salads was delicious and everyone learnt something new or made a new connection. A highly enjoyable and productive meeting.”


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