Our Third Inclusive Job Fair Welcomes Job Seekers from Across the City

On 14th November we held our third inclusive job fair with Brighton Chamber. At the event job seekers from a range of ethnically diverse communities could meet local employers. TDC workers were on hand to translate into Arabic and Ukrainian. Amazing refreshments were provided by Stand Up for Ukraine. 

The event was free to attend, with free workshops on CV writing and using Linked In. 

Employers and trainers from Brighton and Hove buses, Brighton Dome, Sussex Police and many more had stalls and were available to chat to attendees. People could also find out more about TDC support available from Social Prescribing and Health Inclusivity Projects

"The event went well. I interpreted for and spoke to ten different people about their search for local employment."

Maryna Kirpikova
Senior Engagement Worker

Our Youth Bus: Youth Work Week 2023

This week on the TDC blog we're marking Youth Work Week. The theme is Youth Work in Every Place and Space.

George Grant-Mills is one of our youth workers, working on the Youth Bus

The newly introduced Brighton streets Youth Bus has been a huge hit since it was introduced during the summer break.

In areas where there may not be youth services or where antisocial behaviour may be prevalent, The Youth Bus offers a setting where youth workers can interact with young people.

Young people can enjoy games, sports, and crafts. or a spot to relax, have a bite to eat, and listen to music. Group conversations and one-on-one work can also take place on the bus.

We're out and about weekly in Brighton and Hove. View our timetable and follow us on Instagram for any updates on location changes.

Follow us on instagram brightonstreets1

Youth Work in Schools: Youth Work Week 2023

Every day this week, we are marking Youth Work Week 2023, focussing on Youth Work in every place and space.

Rachael Sergeant delivers our youth work in Longhill School 

Working in Longhill High School once a week is a wonderful way to extend our youth service offer to young people where they are in the community.

I work with young people in school in many different ways, sometimes supporting young people in a one to one setting, offering them youth work support to help them access learning. I might hold a group session to work on topics such as wellbeing, mental health, bullying or other needs that young people have in school. Having a youth worker in the corridors to help young people who are struggling and make sure they feel included in school life is essential in a city where we believe everyone has a right to accessible education.

Inclusion staff at the school say that having a youth worker settle one individual can have a positive effect on a friendship group and therefore a ripple effect through the whole year. I look forward to supporting more young people learn and thrive in 2024.

Turnaround Project: Youth Work Week 2023

Every day this week, we are marking Youth Work Week 2023, focussing on Youth Work in every place and space.

Grace Martin delivers our Turnaround Project.

Turnaround is a national run programme that aims to support young people from 10 - 17 with 1-2-1 support.

This is early diversionary work and aims to stop young people from re-offending. This project is held in a  partnership with Brighton and Hove Youth Justice Service (YJS). This intervention lasts from 3-12 months and generates a service that provides Youth Work as well as Community Navigation.

A vital part of my role is sign posting to other services 1-2-1 wellbeing sessions: taking young people to local youth clubs, boxing gyms, the Youth Employment Service (YES), as well as, personally providing 1-2-1 weekly support. I aim to meet young people in their preferred location across Brighton and Hove meaning that my work needs to be attentive and appropriate. The Youth Work that is undertaken is explored in different conversations, locations, and, variations which is not beholden too a specific time or place. That's why at TDC we are proud to promote the idea of Youth Work in any space or place and we are successful in that with our variety of projects that we run across the city.

Welcome to Youth Work Week

"This week is Youth Work Week, and as well as celebrating all the brilliant youth work we deliver ourselves and with partners, we are planning to share snippets with you all week on this year’s theme “Youth Work in every place and space”.  Thank you for your year-round support, and please be in touch if you’d like to know more."

Adam, Director of Youth Work, TDC.

TDC are dedicated to supporting young people around the city with a wide variety of different projects that engage with them and meet their individual needs. Check our blog every day this week for a short blog post from a TDC Youth Worker giving a glimpse into a different TDC Youth Work project.

Find out more about TDC's Youth Work in schools and hospitals, our brand new Youth bus and our Turnaround project


How a Few Words Saved My Life

When Irene was diagnosed with breast cancer in February 2020, she was so grateful for all her family support. However, she was even more grateful to the kind words of encouragement that prompted her to check her breasts.


A nurse prompted me to check myself 

I was initially prompted to examine my breasts after going for a routine smear test. Jenny, the nurse, asked if I’d checked myself recently, and I joked that, ‘I wouldn’t know what was a lump or a bump’. Being well-endowed, I’d just relied on routine mammograms to check for anything. 

‘Just check,’ the nurse said as I walked out the door. 

Later, I thought more about it. I go for smear tests and mammograms regularly, so why don’t I also check my breasts myself? I went for a shower and found a distinct lump straight away. Thinking back, I’d been feeling some unusual sensations in my breast, but I put it down to hormones. 

I was diagnosed with grade 2 breast cancer in February 2020.  


Self examination is so important

If I hadn’t checked myself my I wouldn’t be here now. That’s why I’m a volunteer for Act on Cancer Together

ACT was formed to raise awareness of the signs and symptoms cancer in Brighton and Hove. It has also been promoting the importance of self examination and screening, with volunteers sharing their individual experiences of cancer.   

I will always remember that it was only because Jenny prompted me that I checked myself. If I hadn’t, things could have been very different. She might have saved my life.  

I feel that I can make my own cancer experience a positive one if I can help other people be more aware and encourage them to check themselves. I want to be that voice for someone else, the one that prompted me to ‘just do it’  That is why ACT is so important.

If you'd like to join Irene as a volunteer for ACT and help support local people with cancer prevention and support, get in touch. 

It’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Act on Cancer Together will be busy this month encouraging people in Brighton and Hove to examine their chest regularly for anything that isn't normal for them. To get a free monthly text reminder to check yourself text REMIND ME to 82228 or go to this sign up page and register for alerts. 

If breast cancer is found early at stage one 95% of people will go on to survive for 5 years, but if it is found later at stage four, this rate drops to 25%. This is why early detection is so important and why we are encouraging everyone to check their own bodies and go for breast screening when invited*. 

This month we need your help!  If you would like to help spread the important message about self examination then please get in touch at http://actoncancertogether.org.uk

Keep an eye on our social channels and share the message with your friends and family. Let's #actoncancertogether 

*Figures from Cancer Research UK

Our Summer Community Health Event continues in East Brighton.

The Community Summer Event at Robert Lodge was on a beautiful August day, with sunshine, food and activities in both the communal gardens and in the community rooms. This event was to celebrate the reopening of the community rooms, bring people together and share information around health and wellbeing.

Around 140 people attended and there was a great atmosphere. We had circus skills, dressing up, music, arts and gardening activities from different local groups and organisations, bringing fun to all ages, as well as a range of health and wellbeing information stalls and activities for residents. We had wellbeing offers like Indian head massages and hand massages from local holistic therapists, goody packs from the diabetes group as well as snack packs for families, a pamper hamper raffle, Act on Cancer Together stall, smarter uniforms and contributions from Mind and the Healthy Lifestyles team.

Gladrags brought nostalgia boxes for people to explore, Jay played the piano and people danced and sang! Young people made smoothies and graffiti inspired canvas with the youth team, littles ones enjoyed songs and storytelling with Adriana and Mosiac.

Residents also had the chance to try taster activities such as Chair Yoga, Gentle stretch exercise and Boccia.

People chatted, drank tea and enjoyed themselves; the community really came together.

Great Results From the Event:

  • Promoting the Healthy Neighbourhood Fund – a chance for small community groups and residents to apply for a small grant to kickstart healthy activities they want to have in their area. 
  • Get people's feedback about health and wellbeing in the area and let them know about the local health forum
  • Connecting residents and sharing information
  • Helping develop strong networks of residents and organisations working towards a more inclusive, healthy, happy neighbourhood

Highlights from the TDC Team

Seeing different residents have fun and meet each other while they showcased the brilliant stuff they have been doing locally.


Residents dancing with the Act on Cancer Together team to golden oldies!


Getting young people engaged in the smoothie bike which was lots of fun, having a young person volunteer his time to help the event was amazing and he really got stuck in and the smoothies was a massive hit. Also just networking with parents around the area, letting them know what was on for their children.


My highlight would be the how popular the Courgette soup was, which was catered for by local Project, Feedback and Sussex Surplus, I was amazed how many people asked for the recipe as it literally flew out of the kitchen!

I have asked Ingrid and Phil for the recipe (if its not a trade secret of course!)


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