Community Beacons of Brighton – Mish

Welcome to the first in our “Community Beacons of Brighton” blog series.

The aim of these posts is to introduce you to some of the people we work with who are doing fantastic things to make a positive impact within their communities.

So meet Mishruna , the first of our Community Beacons of Brighton:

The Moulsecoomb Bangladeshi Women’s Group is based at St George’s Hall in East Brighton and aims to promote the well-being of female Bangladeshi residents living in Image of Mishrunathe city. Volunteer Mish has been involved since 2006 and currently holds the role of secretary. Mish says “I’m a doer, I like to get things done so a big part of my role involves organising trips and funding and liaison between the group and other non-Bengali speaking organisations”.

A key function of the group is to organise social activities and trips for the members, such as the popular swimming club. TDC offers support to the group through the local Community Development Worker. On the relationship with TDC, Mish says “They help us with our end of year accounts and in lots of other ways, for example helping find interpreters when we need them and with funding for some of our activities. We couldn’t run the group without them”.


Linda Saltwell – TDC Chief Executive

Linda April 2015Welcome to our new TDC blog.

We’ve had an interesting start to the year, having secured our first charity partnership which we are all very proud of. For those of you who haven’t heard yet, in March we were chosen as the charity partner of the i360, the new observation tower on Brighton seafront. The i360 team were really interested to hear about the work we are doing with young people and are committed to helping raise awareness and funds to support us.

I know it’s really important that we use this opportunity wisely by making the attraction more affordable and accessible to communities who don’t normally have the chance to visit things like the BAi360 on their own seafront. The funds raised from the graffiti art will go straight into our work with young people and we are putting it into ‘street work’ – youth workers meeting young people on their own turf as they street socialise in areas around Moulsecoomb, finding out what they need or would like to do.

When I mention something like ‘streetwork’ I’m only too aware that whilst we’ve been around for 16 years, lots of people don’t know what we’re actually doing or how we do it, so as an organisation we need to build on the i360 partnership too, to raise our profile. Our first step was to appoint a new Business Development Manager, Ruth Chapman who starts with us a day a week at the beginning of July. The prime reason for all these developments is to involve business in our work and grow the understanding and support for what we do across the city. I hope that if people understand what we do they might support us by donating to our work, projects and activities. Run a marathon for us or a boot sale, volunteer…or just send us a cheque!

The other way we make ourselves known to communities of course, is through door-knocking. A tried and tested community development method for gaining a greater understanding for communities we’re working with and listening to their needs. Among many others over the years, I remember door-knocking the whole of Stanmer Heights flats with volunteers in Hollingbury in 2006 – I’ve never been so fit! We also notice that it is important to regularly refresh this methodology and recently our workers in Queens Park were taken aback by the levels of isolation and problems that people shared with them. They have gone on to make contact with the relevant statutory and voluntary sector partners to tackle these issues, signpost people and think about local activity but it tells me once again that it’s only through going out to where communities are, that we really reach people who wouldn’t normally know about or contact services.

We hope you enjoy reading this blog where we will share stories of the people who make TDC what it is and where we will tell you about some of the community activities we are helping to support all over our vibrant city of Brighton & Hove.

British Airways i360 launches new charity partnership with TDC by selling graffiti hoardings


April 7, 2016

British Airways i360 launches new charity partnership by selling graffiti hoardings

British Airways i360 today announces a partnership with local charity the Trust for Developing Communities (TDC).

The charity provides advice, support and training for disadvantaged communities in Brighton and Hove, empowering them to aim high and work together to effect positive change.

British Airways i360 will support TDC’s child and youth projects by raising awareness and funds. It launches the partnership by auctioning the graffiti hoardings that stood between the construction site and the beach and were painted last summer by artists including Aroe, Gary, Jiro, AVK, Morf, Warg, Vodka, Rebus and Owed.

British Airways i360 chief executive Eleanor Harris said: “We are building part of the city’s future and it has always been part of our vision to inspire the next generation to aim higher and go further. This is why we are proud to be partnering with local charity TDC to support their projects for children and young people in the city.”

“We have already committed to giving every child who attends a state school in Brighton and Hove one free visit to British Airways i360 during their school career. We hope our partnership with TDC can help make a positive difference for young people in Brighton and Hove.”

In 2014/2015, TDC worked directly with almost 600 children and young people in Brighton and Hove. It arranged 6,800 hours per week of volunteering, delivered training programmes and ran more than 400 meetings, events and projects. TDC workers also helped community groups raise £250,000 of funding and grants.

Popular TDC projects include the annual Wild Park Youth Festival (organised with Brighton and Hove Youth Collective), the BevenTEEN bulletin, which is written and edited by children, and the Bevendean Summer Programme, organised and funded by teenagers from the Bevendean Activities Group.

TDC chief executive Linda Saltwell said: “From the top of British Airways i360 we will be able to see Brighton and Hove, and the projects we work on, spread before us.

“Brighton and Hove has some very affluent areas, but it also has some of the most deprived wards in the country. Some 46% of the city’s children live in the bottom 20% of England’s wards and in some areas child poverty is more than 50%.

“Research tells us that poor children can become poor adults, and we know there are huge health divides in the city that correlate to the mapping of child poverty.”

TDC chair of trustees Paul Bramwell said: “Our trustees and staff are thrilled to be chosen as the charity partner for British Airways i360. This partnership will build on mutual aims around innovating and inspiring young people.”

TDC trustee and MD of Propellernet Nikki Gatenby said: “This partnership with British Airways i360 could help us extend our essential work across the city, for example, putting more youth workers on the streets where they can reach young people on their own turf.”

Prizes for Craven Vale’s Easter Bonnet and Cap Makers.

In March, Craven Vale Community Association funded and supported by TDC workers held an Intergenerational Easter Bonnet and cap making workshop.  Great fun was had by all, creating some wonderful hats to be judged by a Craven Vale Resident for the 3 prizes of Best Bonnets and caps as well as little chocolate rabbits for all who took part. 

Easter at Craven Vale (6) Easter at Craven Vale (112) Easter at Craven Vale (106) Easter at Craven Vale (115)


Many Cultures, One City – BME event at The Brighthelm Centre on Tuesday 19th April.

It’s just 2 weeks away for the Many Cultures, One City, Multicultural Health & Wellbeing event and we want as many people to attend as possible.

It’s on Tuesday 19th April from 9.30am – 1.00pm at the Brighthelm Centre, North Road, Brighton. Admission is free and there are free refreshments.

We hope to see you there as this is going to be a highly worthwhile and engaging event and everyone should attend if they can.

For a timetable and more details on the Many Cultures, One City event please see this Many Cultures, One City Event Flier

Community Development in Brighton and Hove

We are very pleased to announce that we have been commissioned by Brighton & Hove City Council to deliver against their Third Sector and Communities Prospectus. We will be delivering in a new partnership arrangement with Community Works, The Hangleton & Knoll Project, LGBT Switchboard and Whitehawk Inn amongst others. We look forward to this increasingly joined up approach to voluntary and community sector work in the City.

Training News – A morning workshop in C-ode (Communities, Organisation, Development and Engagement)

TDC is developing a new training course ‘Working in C-ODE’ for anyone working in communities and wanting a level 2 or 3 qualification in Community Development.

It is for anyone

*        in paid work or volunteering

*        who is actively involved in community development,

*        in voluntary and community organisations, statutory bodies or businesses.

We would like to invite you to an information workshop on the morning of Wednesday 27th April where you can find out more about the course and help to co-design the course materials.

Learners have described our similar WICO course as being a ‘a life-changing factor’ and ‘without doubt a stepping stone into employment’.

‘Working in C-ODE’ will support you to develop practical and analytical skills to work with a range of communities. You will gain an understanding of community development values and purpose, work with community groups and the diversity of communities as well as skills in community development practice –  inclusive group work, assessing community needs and reflective practice.

If you are interested please let us know by emailing [email protected].

The course will be delivered and sponsored by TDC with support from the University of Brighton and bursaries will be available.

TDC’s Photocompetition on display at City College.

Our lovely photo exhibition ‘Celebrating Diverse Communities’ has moved onto the next venue! Come and take a look in the foyer of City College (adjacent to their car park) on Pelham Street BN1 4FA. Don’t forget we will be running another competition this year so keep your eye out. Details will be announced here.

City College 5Picture of TDC photo competition at City CollegeCity College 3

FREE Health and Wellbeing Workshops in 2016

TDC are running a series of free health and wellbeing workshops for black and ethnic minority residents, in partnership with Rethink Mental Illness. We are running five sessions, all at Millwood Community Centre, Nelson Road, Brighton.

Click here to see a poster with full details of each workshop. Contact us to book for any or all sessions!

Brief introduction (for all workshop attendees) – Thursday 14th January 12-1pm

Workshop 1: Self Esteem & Confidence Building – Thursday 28th January, 12-1pm

Workshop 2: Stress & Anxiety Management – Thursday 11th February, 4-5pm

Workshop 3: Anger Management – Thursday 25th February, 6-7pm

Workshop 4: Assertiveness – Thursday 3rd March, 10-11:30am.

Still unsure if any of the above are for you? Come along and meet Seon Mill at the free 1 hour introductory session (listed above). Seon is from Rethink Mental Illness’s SOS & MENDOS Service, Brighton & Hove, and is available to answer any questions you might have on the workshops above.



Press Release! Brighton and Hove Neighbourhoods Network

Brighton and Hove Neighbourhoods Network is a local discussion site focusing on common, themed neighbourhood issues.

The website has case studies from community groups located in Brighton and Hove. These case studies give an insight in to a community project from idea right through to delivery. These local groups have shared some issues they found following the process they did. The good work from different departments and services in the city that worked well with them to overcome the problems and find collaborative solutions.

The site welcomes residents’ comments and is a place to share findings and work together to help one another find solutions to community issues.

For more information or to get involved visit: or contact TDC: [email protected].

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