Our Peer Educators Reach Thousands of People Across the City with Vaccine Confidence Message

In the early summer of 2021 Brighton and Hove City Council identified a need for the mobile vaccination unit sessions across the city to be more welcoming for people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities including visitors, migrants, and refugees.

Peer education is a tried and tested approach to health promotion where community members encourage healthy behaviour amongst their peers. TDC Peer Educators would be people representative of those communities, who could both welcome others attending for the vaccine and provide insight the mobile vaccine units could use to improve their accessibility. 

TDC recruited a total of eight peer educators, a diverse mix of newly arrived refugees and long-term Brighton and Hove residents. Between them they speak a wide variety of languages, including Arabic, Farsi, Turkish, Hindi, Bengali and Kurdish. TDC's Peer Educators increased vaccine uptake at approximately three mobile vaccination sites per week. 

The program reached a total of 2,935 people through our community outreach programme including 856 through closed social media groups (e.g. WhatsApp), 1,880 through flyers given out and 197 through conversations in community groups and out in the wider community

We also distributed 78 posters in locations frequented by people from ethnically diverse communities, including mosques, churches, shops and cafes.

Our peer educators project ran for one year in total, supporting the wide roll out of the Covid vaccine as it became available. 

"I always tried to do a friendly and comfortable site for our clients that helps everyone who is stressed about getting a vaccine feel relaxed and at ease. We had many clients from different countries with different cultures and languages and this was a challenge. Since I speak fluently Arabic and Farsi and English, my language skills have been useful for people."

TDC Peer Educator

"Mo is always updating his knowledge by asking me if there are any further vaccination changes. When performing translation services Mo is sensitive in his nature to the patients and would only ask appropriate questions.  He is able to recognise when the public needs more information than he is able to give, where he should then refer to myself or another senior member of staff.

Andrew, Nurse Vaccinator

Goodbye to our Community Development Worker Mark Drayton

West Hove newsletters Community Development

Last week we said goodbye to our long standing Community Development Worker Mark Drayton, most recently part of the central Brighton team.

Mark said of his time with TDC:

"After many years being involved with TDC as a trustee and a worker, I am leaving the organisation in September.

It is hard to say goodbye but I know the important work TDC do with communities across the city will continue. I have worked in various roles in the city supporting the work done by an army of volunteers. These residents offer a range of services from Food Banks -- like The Purple People Kitchen and the Phoenix Food Shop -- to community events and fun days for local people; while neighbourhood forums, like Portslade Community Forum and the Hanover and Elm Grove Forum, offer the chance to get involved and make a positive difference to neighbourhoods.

I am in awe of the work done by so many in Brighton, Hove and Portslade and it is this I will miss most along with my colleagues at TDC of course!"

Everyone at TDC is sad to see Mark leaving us. We will miss him and TDC won't be the same without him. We are so grateful for all the amazing work he has done as part of our Neighbourhoods Team and wish him all the best for the future.

Right: Mark working on the West Hove newsletter. 

West Hove newsletters Community Development

Kirsty Walker, Director of Neighbourhoods said:

"Mark will be really missed by those he has supported. His commitment to things being genuinely led by the community has fostered some fantastic community leadership that we will continue to benefit from across the city."

Young men from Brighton talk about their lives in new audio documentary ‘Young Ends’

Young Ends youth project promo image
Young Ends youth project promo image

Young Ends is a powerful piece of audio that amplifies the voices of young men from Brighton, in a project created by TDC’s Youth Team and Next Gen Radio Station Platform B.

The young men featured in the project, who all attend youth sessions at the 67 Centre in Moulsecoomb, chatted with TDC’s Senior Youth Worker SeanO Older in intimate, anonymous conversations where they expressed what it is really like growing up in the area and life for young men today.  Subjects up for discussion in these chats included risk, manhood, the challenges the young men face and the support they need. The experiences and opinions they shared are frank, raw and honest, but their personalities, humour and bravery always shine through.

To create the Young Ends soundscape, Platform B producer Ed ApIvor and sound artists Michael Melville and Alfie Newman blended the young men’s words with music from local producer and rapper Madaliso to create an evocative audio piece framing the stories of the participants.

TDC are delighted to be able to present the finished piece of work here, a creative and moving insight into the lives and thoughts of these incredible young men.

This project was financially supported by Brighton & Hove City Council and the Brighton & Hove Violence Reduction Partnership.  The views and opinions captured are those of the young men and not necessarily of TDC, Platform B or our funders.

Celebrating the Community in Moulsecoomb and Bevendean.

Saturday, 30th July was a busy day in Moulsecoomb and Bevendean neighbourhoods.

It started with a community breakfast at the Bevy Community Pub where Moulsecoomb Local Action Team (MLAT) invited residents to a get together to plan the future of the forum and gather ideas and priorities for Moulsecoomb & Bates Estate. A new committee was formed that morning, following the sad deaths of two vital committee members, Terrence Hill and Barry Burtenshaw.

Over the past two years MLAT has continued to be committed to the local community, helping their voices get heard and supporting grassroots activities and projects. If you want to join in, contact MLAT here: [email protected] or follow on Facebook

St George’s Hall in North Moulsecoomb held a Jumble Sale that weekend and is hoping to provide more events on a regular basis. The sale will help make affordable second-hand clothing, household and leisure items available in the community, as well as offering a place to meet people for a cuppa and a chat. Future sessions also involve more signposting and advice on money saving services and further support. The next event is on Saturday, 27th August!

You can get in touch with St George’s Hall here: [email protected]


Action for Bevendean Community (ABC) brought people together for a summer event at Holy Nativity Church and Hall for food and fun activities. The event was visited by more than 100 people from the local community making connections, learning about local groups (ABC, Bevendean Foodbank) and city-wide services (Brighton & Hove Libraries and Cycle Team, Sussex Police), sharing ideas to strengthen their community as well as enjoying the entertainment provided by magician David Croucher, face painter Kerry from Reds Remarkable Facepainting and musicians from Skylark music group!

It's really wonderful to see so much happening in our communities this summer. 

“I have lived and worked in the area for so long, but have met so many new people at this event and seen so many new families here.”

Bevendean Fun Day attendee

Beautiful Henna Designs for Our Young Women’s Groups

Recently our Young Women's Groups in North and East Brighton were visited by Henna artist Huda of Henna by Huda, who created some beautiful intricate designs for them.

Huda first encountered TDC through our Multicultural Employability Support Hub: MESH. She previously shared her skills at TDC with with Learn Around the World, creating henna designs for our English language learners, and now our Young Women's Groups have had the chance to experience the fun too. 

Huda has been a henna artist since she was 16, specialising in creating these distinctive semi-permanent tattoos, which last for a couple of weeks. 

Evie Beardmore who runs one of the Young Women's Groups said:

It was brilliant having Huda at our young women’s session. It was a great atmosphere; Huda and the girls spoke about henna and the years of practice Huda has had. Huda shared that she moved to the UK from Sudan four years ago and we had the pleasure of meeting her two children. Huda is incredibly talented and the girls were so pleased with their designs. It was great to bring new people together and connect.

TDC has loved working with Huda bringing her skills to our different projects and helping different groups in the city to connect over this brilliant activity. 

Our 50+ Group Visit an Extraordinary Painted Church in Goring-by-Sea

Tucked away on an unassuming residential street in Goring is the Catholic Church of English Martyrs.  A 1970s building that from the outside looks quite ordinary. Inside the church, however, is an incredible 2/3 replica of the Sistine Chapel ceiling, thought to be the only such replica in the world.

TDC's 50+ group visited the church last week to see the amazing spectacle for themselves. 

After a fascinating morning exploring the church, the group rounded off the trip with  lunch in a local cafe.

TDC's 50+ outings are running through the summer, providing essential connections for isolated and other vulnerable older people. Our trips mean people can access free, fun social activities and make connections in the community. 

To find out more about our work with older people visit our Ageing Well page. 

Sharing Inspiration, Information and Ice Cream at Whitehawk Community Day

On Thursday last week we held a community day at Whitehawk Community Hub. TDC staff joined Hawks Cafe, Brighton and Hove City Council's Healthy Lifestyles Team, Little Green Pig, Our Place, Brightstore and more to hold consultations, chat to local residents and enjoy a selection of free refreshments including an ice cream van dishing out free ice creams. 

Consultations topics were focussed around different hubs: Health and Wellbeing for All, Children Young People and Families, Learning and Employment for All, Diverse and Inclusive Community Spaces, Safety and Housing For All and Diverse and Inclusive Celebrations and Activities.

The day was well attended and plenty of new ideas were gathered from local people to feedback to service providers in the local area.

A highlight of the event was a photography competition for local peoples' images inspired by where they live. The entries were brilliant.

Huge congratulations to under 18s competition winner Tassia (picture on left) and adults competition winner Della (picture above).

Thanks to everyone who came along and supported the event.

Learn Around the World Celebrates with the Mayor of Brighton and Hove

Learn Around the world is a multicultural drop in that has been running on Mondays at Community Base since March. The event offers a chance for people to practise English conversation while they connect with their community and there's also IT support, social prescribing and employability support on offer. 

This week the drop-in wrapped up for the Summer with a visit from The Mayor of Brighton and Hove who presented the attendees with certificates and a celebratory lunch with food, appropriately, from Around the World.

The project will be back in September. Watch this space. 

“This was very helpful, now I am booked on an ESOL course”

“Finding out new things and meet nice people” 

“For me, it’s chance for talking get better at English”  

"Everyone nice and friendly so I came again."

Great idea to promote people’s skills. I will like to see more of this support, so a way for small business/individuals that may want to have business, in the community to be known” 

“Mel was lovely and now she’s connecting with me with Befriending so I am going to support elderly people” 

Healthy Neighbourhood Fund 2021/22 Review

In 2021/22 TDC’s Healthy Neighbourhood Fund gave out over 90 grants, supporting 4,000 people.

We supported local community partners to form panels and make funding decisions, giving support to projects right across the city. In each area local communities decided how the grants were awarded.

The grants focus on healthy living: 24 will support healthy starts for children & young people, 19 will improve mental health & wellbeing, 17 will support healthy ageing, 16 will increase active living, 16 will reduce loneliness & isolation, 14 will improve nutrition and 2 will encourage reduction in smoking and drinking alcohol.


In Bevendean

Action for Bevendean

Bevendean Food Bank £500

Supporting healthy eating & cooking by investing in cooking equipment and healthy food for people attending the Foodbank.

Fernee Forest Club £500

Friday Feel-Good sessions to improve mental wellbeing by coming together in the local woodland, running peer-to-peer support, physical activities, healthy food.

Friends of Bevendean Down £200

Supports volunteers to maintain local natural habitat with tools, learning sessions around how to keep Bevendean Down sustainable and accessible.

Friends of Bevendean School £500

Tree planting and wellbeing activities for primary school children.

Lotus Yoga £500

Weekly low-cost yoga for physical and mental wellbeing.

Local Wild Spaces £500

Health Walks through local green spaces on specific themes.

Very Local Food Hubs £500

Cooking on a budget sessions for local families at Bevendean Community Garden.

To apply to the next round of the Healthy Neighbourhood Fund in Bevendean  contact your local Community Development Worker Anke Thurm on 07449 464 695 or email [email protected]


In Bristol Estate, Whitehawk and Manor Farm

Due East Neighbourhood Council

Arts Collective £500

To engage adults in weekly social and arts and crafts activities to reduce loneliness and isolation.

Benditlikebuddha £200

To provide opportunity for increased physical activity for older people

East Brighton Community Food Group £500

To increase awareness and local participation of organic food production and sustainability.

Health Kitchen £200

To provide healthy meals and provide workshops for cooking from raw ingredients.

Making Our Mark £500

To provide opportunity for young people to come together and experience a range of creative and learning experiences.

Manor Gym £500

To help deliver our community Xmas event with a range of family activities.

Whitehawk Boxing Gym £500

To utilise boxing to benefit the physical and mental health of young people.

Whitehawk Hill Community Allotment £500

To teach home education families how to grow their own healthy food – and provide facility to come together to do this.

Whitehawk United FC £500

Whitehawk United was set up in May 21 to provide community football for men of all abilities so the many positive physical and emotional benefits of engaging in sport and belonging could be experienced by all and not just a few elite sportsmen.

To apply to the next round of the Healthy Neighbourhood Fund in Bristol Estate and Whitehawk contact your local Community Development Worker Claire Burchell on 07089 829 734 or email [email protected]


In Coldean

Coldean Forum

Coldean Youth Club £200

Free sessions to young people in the local community such as cooking, art and craft.

Intergenerational Supper Club £350

Monthly Intergenerational Supper Club.

New Larchwood Residents Association £300

Christmas music session with refreshments and community transport for trips.

Coldean Community Organisation PAGE £200

Coldean PAGE (Plan for Activities, Groups & Events).

Coldean Women's Group £200

Physical exercise and advice, massage, meditation, and mindfulness.

Knit N Knatter £180

Knitting Social Group. Knitting materials and a group outings.

St Mary Magdalene Food Bank £500

Foodbank, essentials and hot meals project.

To apply to the next round of the Healthy Neighbourhood Fund in Coldean contact your local Community Development Worker Ceza de Luz on 07366 605 709 or email [email protected]


In Craven Vale

Craven Vale Community Association

CVCA Over 50s Group £500

Monthly activities for older people locally including themed activities and trips out.

Table Tennis Project £500

Expanding the project to buy more community equipment and offer coaching in community setting for all ages.

Honey Collective £500

Expansion of the project to recruit local volunteers, care for the honey hives and providing education opportunities for children and young people. Also increasing & diversifying production of products coming from the community hives.

Games Project £250

A monthly games night to support community inclusion and lessen isolation.

Orchard Garden Project £300

Volunteers working together to identify ways to green the environment for the wider community and involve the community for well-being.

Run-A-Mile £250

A project which supports young people in take part in sports and have a healthy lifestyle.

CV Gardens Group £500

The Gardens group was set up to improve the new access path and block borders. They hold regular garden sessions where any residents can come and take part.

To apply to the next round of the Healthy Neighbourhood Fund in Craven Vale contact your local Community Development Worker Claire Burchell on 07089 829 734 or email [email protected]


In Hangleton and Knoll

The Hangleton and Knoll Project

Hangleton and Knoll Multicultural Women's Group £500

Free Weekly Bollywood Dance Classes and Weekly Yoga Classes (Online).

The Big Munch £500

Weekly free family lunch club in Knoll Park during school holidays. Providing healthy lunches and arts activities.

UK Egyptian Coptic Association £500

We ran tutoring classes, fortnightly Family meetings and activities like Art, String art and cookery classes. We ran a regular programme of cookery classes on zoom & live on our Facebook page once a week covering everything from patisserie to fermentation, Italian & Egyptian Food.

Stammering Support Group £500

We are a long-term support group, and the funding is used to cover venue costs for our monthly meetings and website costs. A small amount is used for Speech and Language Therapist who specialises in stammering therapy, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT).

Young People Safe in Summer £500

Promotional and educational materials to support our safe in the summer campaign on the Youth Bus. We have delivered 13 targeted sessions over the summer at Hove Park, Hove Lagoon, Mile Oak Park and in addition locally around Hangleton and Knoll during the delivery of our Summer Programme. The Youth Team engaged with young people in constructive conversations around keeping safe (inc Covid) and handing out kits with sun cream and water bottles.

Indian Futures £500

We ran 2 monthly creative workshops between October 2021 and March 2022; a total of 6 Monoprinting classes and 5 Textiles Art classes. All 11 classes were held in person at St Richard’s Church and Community Centre for 2 hours.

Beauty of Clay Persian Tile Workshop £500

We ran 2 monthly creative workshops between October 2021 and March 2022; a total of 6 Monoprinting classes and 5 Textiles Art classes. All 11 classes were held in person at St Richard’s Church and Community Centre for 2 hours.

Youth Bank Street Dance £500

Free weekly Street Dance classes for young people aged 11-16 and up to age 25 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. Tutor and venue funded. Four young people danced in a Christmas show in December 2021 in front of an audience of 500 people across 2 performances at Brighton Aldridge Community Academy (BACA).

Shape Up £286.20

Weekly one-hour subsidised exercise classes suitable for all abilities at St Richard’s Community Centre which we promoted across the whole community.

Hangleton and Knoll Befriending Group £500

Partnership between HKP and TogetherCo providing a monthly befriending support group for older people to relieve social isolation.

To apply to the next round of the Healthy Neighbourhood Fund in Hangleton and Knoll contact the Hangleton and Knoll Project


In Hollingbury

Old Boat Community Association

OBCCA £250

After School group for kids aged 5-16yrs, including activities and homework support.

7th Hollingbury and Patcham Brownies £122

‘She Rallies' new sport trial project to introduce young women and girls to tennis.

Ironclad Creative/The Writer's Space £178

Two hour writing retreat for local people to learn new skills.

Carden PTA £250

Equipment for forest school activities to bring more outdoor learning and activities to young pupils at the school.

Edge £250

Zoom/Hollywood Bowl/snacks.

5th Patcham Brownies £200

Celebrate 65 years of Brownies by bringing young people together with educational and fun activities.

1st and 5th Patcham Guides £250

Weekend Sleepover experience for young people.

B-RIGHT-ON Basketball £250

February open sessions in half term to encourage new users and low cost activity for parents. Bibs and Balls will also be purchased.

Amiche Quartet £250

Bringing music to communities in an educational and therapeutic setting. Young people and local people will get to experience instruments.

To apply to the next round of the Healthy Neighbourhood Fund in Hollingbury contact your local Community Development Worker Anke Thurm on 07449 464 695 or email [email protected]


In Hollingdean

Hollingdean Development Trust

The World Food Project £500

Hollingdean Wednesdays - cooking & eating sessions, workshops to sing and play music together and poetry & creative writing workshops.

Hollingdean News Active Living Listing £500

Hollingdean News would like to gain funding for a single full page in each issue to be a dedicated sports and healthy-living activities listings.

Growing Hollingdean Lynchet Close Community Garden £463.77

Bring neighbours together to create a community garden for Lynchet Close.

Ceramics Workshop for Carers £500

Ceramics workshops will be focused on creating a space of calm, freedom and creativity.

Hollingdean Knitting group £500

Social knitting group.

Around the Fire £500

Women and Girls Mentoring Community Group

Craftea and Lindfield Ct £500

Crafts activities and tea in sheltered accommodation. Reduces isolations and improves mental health of members attending.

Laburnam Grove Art Group £477.05

Weekly Art Club at sheltered accommodation.

Transformational Yoga £500

A 10-week introductory course into Vajrasati yoga.

To apply to the next round of the Healthy Neighbourhood Fund in Hollingdean contact your local Community Development Worker Ceza de Luz on 07366 605 709 or email [email protected]


In Moulsecoomb and Bates Estate

Moulsecoomb Local Action Team

Boys Brigade £300

Equipment & consumables for clean-up days.

Chomp Moulsecoomb £300

Healthy, nutritious food for 4 chomp family holiday sessions for up to 50 people.

Families Group at St George's Hall £300

Offer regular social family sessions for play, peer-to-peer support, activities and food.

Flamenco Group £300

Bring people back together for regular Flamenco dance sessions.

Friday Friends £300

Christmas party in person for members of the Friday Friends Lunch Club for people 50+

Sunflower Support Group £300

Wellbeing session for parents of children with additional needs.

Higher Bevendean Advent Trail £85

To help bring people out of their houses, re-connect with each other and their neighbourhood.

Metamorphosis Art Group £300

Brings people who enjoy art and yoga together for regular, informal sessions to connect and improve physical and mental wellbeing.

Moulsecoomb Community Market £300

15 slow cookers for local households on low-income, to improve healthy eating/cooking.

Very Local Food Hub £300

Provides snacks for children during the holidays, also offers free cooking sessions for people on low income.

To apply to the next round of the Healthy Neighbourhood Fund in Moulsecoomb and Bates Estate contact your local Community Development Worker Anke Thurm on 07449 464 695 or email [email protected]


In Pankhurst Area

Pankhurst Area Community Association

Craven Vale and Pankhurst Over 50s Community Group £400

Older people regular events.

Pankhurst Community Pantry £450

Items to support peoples access to the community shop.

Pankhurst Planter £133

Spring Planting Day.

Tantrums Community Dance Group £600

Weekly dance group at The Edge.

To apply to the next round of the Healthy Neighbourhood Fund in Pankhurst Area contact your local Community Development Worker Emma Reeves on 07411 251 969 or email [email protected]


In Portland Road

West Hove Forum

Friends of Hove Lagoon £500

To run clean-up sessions twice a month for volunteers and to equip these and the gardening days.

Friends of Stoneham Park £434

Park Tidy & other events, e.g. a free open cinema.

Friends of Wish Park £500

Monthly gardening and tidy sessions followed by social activity.

Hove Surf Life Saving Club £500

HSLSC are run solely by volunteers and are looking to train up at least four of their volunteer lifeguards to become Level 2 Coaches.

Secret Garden Group £500

Weekly gardening sessions followed by social activity.

To apply to the next round of the Healthy Neighbourhood Fund in Portland Road contact your local Community Development Worker Amy Allison on 07477 972 455 or email [email protected]


In Portslade

Portslade Community Forum

Friends of Vale Park £500

To run activities and a summer event in the park over the coming year.

West Hove Scout Group £500

Sports equipment to run healthy activities at the weekly sessions.

Mile Oak FC £500

6 week football for the community, an opportunity for some to try football for the first time.

Fresh Start £270

4 history walks for older people and to continue to develop packs & resources for families.

Portslade People £260

3 cookery classes for children over the summer.

To apply to the next round of the Healthy Neighbourhood Fund in Portslade contact your local Community Development Worker Amy Allison on 07477 972 455 or email [email protected]


In Tarner and Eastern Road

Albion Community Forum

Community Basketball Initiative £480

Coaching and social sessions for young people at risk of exposure to harmful activities.

Clay Club £490

Pottery workshops for all in the Albion Hill Area.

Dorset Mews Residents Group £250

Greening project in the communal area Dorset Mews to develop and improve the Mews Garden.

Exploring Senses CIC £500

Digital Arts Club – free weekly 3D Pen sessions for older people, either online or in person if safe. 3D Pen Club for 8–12-year-olds – weekly 3D pen sessions.

Fibroflys Support for People with Fibromyalgia 

Educational materials for improved health, understanding and well-being of people living with Fibro. Health journals for members to record how feelings and develop and share effective strategies for managing and maintaining health and wellbeing.

Leach Court Social Club £500

‘Christmas Cheer’ for isolated and socially distanced residents and raising awareness of health information and support over Christmas and New Year.

Patching Lodge £500

Movement to Music – Weekly Gentle Exercise sessions for older people.

Together Easier (Hungarian Women's Group) £300

An event celebrating bringing families and children together post covid to re-build community and to share experiences through food, and historical discussion.

To apply to the next round of the Healthy Neighbourhood Fund in Tarner and Eastern Road contact your local Community Development Worker Emma Reeves on 07411 251 969 or email [email protected]


In Woodingdean

Woodingdean Community Association

Winter Warmers Reminiscence Group £250

Christmas Card Making – November Christmas Party & Quiz - December.

Woodingdean Wilderness Group £250

Scything and Beebank planting.

Dementia Group £250

Support group for people living with dementia.

Woodingdean Fundraisers £350

“Grow Your Own” Day – 30 April 2022

Woodingdean Horticultural Society £250

Christmas Lunch.

Friday Drop in Tots til 12 £250

Family Counselling.

Four Deans Stroke Club £250

Covid Vehicle Screen Divider.

Woodingdean Food Hub £250

Hub Grub Cookery Book.

To apply to the next round of the Healthy Neighbourhood Fund in Woodingdean contact your local Community Development Worker Mark Drayton on 070809 830 029 or email [email protected]

MY-G Radio

TDC’s Moulsecoomb Young Men’s Group, recently teamed up with Platform B, a Brighton based next generation radio station, to produce three incredible radio shows. 

This journey to becoming DJs began for the group with tours of Platform B's North Street and Bottega Rooms Studios. Here the group got to spend time with Platform B's Senior Producer Bobby Brown and Radio Producer Ed ApIvor who led the project alongside TDC Youth Worker SeanO.

The group had eight training sessions with Platform B's radio experts across two months. They got to experiment with microphones, recording set ups and DJ equipment -- building up their skills before creating their own hour-long shows. The young people had full editorial control of the content of their shows, creating brilliant results; having fun and expressing themselves through the culture they love. We're delighted to be able to premiere the radio shows here on TDC's blog.

The flagship My G Radio Show features the whole group introducing different tracks chosen for the show. The second two shows feature two DJ duos Jacob & Riley and Jack & Shane presenting the entire hour themselves. 

You can listen to the guys below. Simply click on the covers to hear them sounding amazing -- and cool as anything -- as they introduce their favourite sounds. All bangers, of course. No dead air here.

"This was such an important project for our young people. Bringing together the disciples of Youth Work and music production created a unique playground for the young people to discover skills, make new connections, and grow in their own sense of self. Youth work is a unique tool that journeys alongside young people to look into life with perspective and respect. Platform B slotted straight into that ethos, allowed room for people to access audio activities in their own way, added industry-standard value, extended the project's potential, and enabled young people to see outside of their neighborhoods and into the studio.

Privileged to have led this project, work with these young people, and co-delivered something very replicable with Platform B!"

SeanO Older,  Senior Youth Worker

“Platform B are proud to have had the chance to have collaborated with TDC on this project. It was amazing to see how readily the young men got stuck into DJing and it was also a testament to the Youth Work team that so many felt empowered to get involved with the project and use their voice. We hope this collaboration will inspire more young people from East Brighton to get involved in creating radio and developing new skills.”

Ed ApIvor, Radio Producer - Platform B

The young people grew in confidence and trust throughout the project. The courage to be vulnerable around each other led to new relationships developing through their shared experiences. It was a great learning experience for everyone involved and it is a project that I’ll always be proud to have been a part of.”

Bobby Brown, Senior Producer - Platform B

Meet This Year’s Community Champions: Yvonne Davy

From TDC's Amy Allison

Yvonne is Chair of the BMECP 50+ (a multicultural older people’s group). During lockdown, Yvonne did whatever she could to continue to keep in touch with the 30+ members of the group. A weekly zoom session was set up for those who could use IT, and a WhatsApp group was also started. Yvonne kept in regular phone contact with many members, spoke to the TDC's Community Development Workers weekly and passed on any concerns about members and planned any activities that could be shared/sent out to the group.

Yvonne organised for a Christmas hamper to be delivered to all group members which many said helped them to feel connected to the group – that people were still there. Since mid September the group has started to meet in person. Yvonne organised restarting the group and is pivotal in planning the groups activities.

Meet This Year’s Community Champions: Sarah McCarthy

From TDC's Mark Drayton

Over the last year Sarah has been a key player on her estate but also in the wider community. Sarah is Chair of her Resident group but also a vital member of the Phoenix Social Supermarket which has provided thousands of food parcels for her estate and the wider Tarner and Hanover community. This service has been key to providing much needed support to her community and has worked throughout the COVID pandemic.

However the list goes one. Somehow Sarah finds the energy to campaign to get the old Freebutt pub recognised as a local community asset – a campaign that has just ended in victory and sits on the neighbourhood action plan group. She also Chairs the Hanover and Elm Grove Forum which has tackled a range of issues including anti social behaviour in the community and is currently consulting to make Hanover and Tarner a ‘Liveable’ Community.

I find it hard to sum up Sarah’s voluntary work apart from to say that the area she lives in is a better place for all because of her.

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